IFC is a private institution of higher education that provides work-study training through professionalization and apprenticeship contracts. It is located in eight regional cities in the southeast quarter of France and offers a total of thirty different training programs.
Each year, in conjunction with a network of partner companies, IFC’s teams guide more than 1,000 young people towards a diploma ranging from Bac to Bac +5, based on BTS (state diplomas issued by the Ministry of National Education) but also on titles registered with the RNCP (National Register of Professional Certifications) at level II (Bac+3) and level I (Bac+5) in partnership with the schools ECORIS, ESA, SCIENCES-U, UCO and SOFTEC….
IFC applies an active and empowering pedagogical model, focused on the company, to enable young people to integrate effectively and quickly into professional life. Today, more than 70% of the students enrolled in the eight schools complete their studies under a professionalization contract or apprenticeship, and 40% under an initial and/or traditional training program.
Company sold in 2021.
Nicolas Charleux, Violaine Mahier
Participation: majoritaire
Private higher technical education and work-study training through professionalization contracts.
Eric Dupressoire
IXO intervention: 4,9 M€ in holding IFC Financiere
Sales figures: 11 M€ (2020)
Effective: 48 (2020)