Located in Loudun (86) in the Vienne region, the FB Industrie Group specializes in the manufacture of equipment for livestock farming, with a strong expertise in galvanized steel tubular equipment for cattle, sheep and goat farms. Today, it is the second largest European player in this market.
The Group is structured around its historical company, Agritubel, created in 1988. In 2014, as the historical managers retired, the company was taken over in MBI by Philippe Dubouix, the current manager, with the assistance of the CICLAD investment fund as a minority shareholder.
Agritubel sells most of its products in France (70%), through a network of retailers, cooperatives and various buying groups.
Participation: minority
Manufacture and distribution of products for the breeding of livestock (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses and poultry).
Philippe DUBOUIX (Chairman)
IXO intervention: 3,2 M€ (via FPCI iXO PME 1)
Sales figures: 29,5 M€ (2020)
Effective: NC