Le Mercato de l’emploi was founded in 2019 by Julien Badr and Jenny Gaultier. Based on the observation that SMEs were unable to recruit talent, the founders created a national network platform federating independent and local recruitment consultants.
MDE offers recruitment solutions dedicated to VSEs, SMEs and ETIs for the profiles of supervisors, technicians and level 1 managers. Companies have access to local, quality recruitment experts at a reduced cost.
MDE provides recruiters with :
- Initial training dedicated to the recruitment profession, recognized by the State
- Mutualized digital tools
- A shared platform for recruitment assignments
- A forum with video-conference training twice a week and content
- Master contracts with major groups to meet their recruitment needs
- An attractive remuneration based on (i) a commission for each individual recruitment, and (ii) kickbacks up to 5% of the co-opted recruiters activity into its team.
To date, the market of MDE is about 2 billion € in France via recruitment agencies and temporary work agencies.
Véronique Chabert-Spaak, Nicolas Iordanov
Participation: minority
Edition and animation of a national network platform federating independent and local recruitment consultants.
Julien BADR (Chairman), Jenny GAULTHIER (CEO)
IXO intervention: 1,5 M€ (via FIP APL 2018)
Sales figures: NC
Effective: NC